
Showing posts from June, 2018

Eminescu and the Heraclitean Cycle

Eminescu’s Re-Masculization of Becoming in “La Steau” Since the age of Goethe, with its cabalistic influences stemming back to the Italian Renaissance, Western philosophy, literature, and science have mistaken the Heraclitean primacy of becoming — rather than being, in the Platonic sense — as some kind of chthonic worldview. Usually the concept of becoming and has-become is portrayed as organic. In the 20th century, Oswald Spengler summarized this Goethean orientation, while Julius Evola attacked it, but neither challenged the assumption itself. Heraclitus was actually the most radically celestial of all the Classics. His concept of fire-as-logos refers to astral fire, and not, as has been assumed time and time again, to earth-bound fire. Evidently his aim was to restore the primeval Indo-European fire-worship, which he believed had been lost in Greek literature and philosophy. In the Heraclitean cycle, fire is the primordial first element.   The death of fire is air, whic