
Showing posts from August, 2019

"Roman Law" by Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a major influence on Codreanu’s mentor A.C. Cuza , and also on the leading Legionary intellectual and fallen Spanish Civil War hero Vasile Marin.  This text is also available in paperback and Kindle editions.    Roman Law By Houston Stewart Chamberlain (From Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s  The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century Volume I , originally published in 1899, translated from the German by John Lees in 1910 and revised in 1912) [Note: The original Greek words for “Spartans” and “Achaeans” are missing from this otherwise complete transcription of Chapter 2 of  Foundations Vol. I .] This edition 2019, Amory Stern San Diego, CA DISPOSITION TO define in clear terms what we have inherited from Rome, what out of that vast manufactory of human destinies still exercises a living influence, is certainly impossible, unless we have a clear conception of what Rome was.  Even Roman law in the narrower sense of the wor

In Search of A.C. Cuza (revised version)

        When Alexandru Constantin Cuza was born in Ia ș i, Moldavia in 1857, Romania was not yet a unified country fully freed from Ottoman vassalage.  Turkish rule had not been as direct or oppressive here as in the lower Balkans, but it left the young state and ancient nation with a host of social problems.  Cuza was a child when Wallachia and Moldavia were united in 1866, and not yet twenty years old during the start of the war by which Romania would gain her independence.  After studying in both his native Ia ș i and in Dresden, he would go on to study in France and earn doctorates in political science and law.          In  The Romanian road to independence , Frederick Kellogg describes the mostly economically driven anti-Semitism that existed in the nascent united and independent Romania, especially in the former principality of Moldavia, when A.C. Cuza came of age: “Thrifty Jewish entrepreneurs earned distrust as well as profit from Romanian aristocrats and peasants.  I